TV Review: Star Trek Discovery Boldly Coasts With Season 2 Opener “Brother”
“Brother” sees Star Trek Discovery lightening up and linking its prequel crew with some fanservicey connections to original Trek.
“Brother” sees Star Trek Discovery lightening up and linking its prequel crew with some fanservicey connections to original Trek.
Alara gets her last hurrah in a shockingly well-rendered showcase for Halston Sage, saying goodbye to one of the show’s standout characters. “Mind opening up […]
Writer/director team Zeek Earl and Chris Caldwell craft a grimy, visceral space Western about a family of prospectors risking their lives on an alien moon. […]
Horror Octorbor keeps on chugging, as we keep exploring the seven deadly sins with our entry for Lust, Species! This 1995 sexy-alien chiller (courtesy of Dante’s Peak and The November […]
Shane Black returns to the macho 90s alien-hunter franchise he helped spawn, but his irreverent stamp (including a heaping helping of ableism) does more harm […]
Jack Reynor keeps his brother and his big-ass gun safe in this tepid late-August shoot-em-up, its characters as mild as its ambitions. Detroit has had […]
This week, Grant of History Honeys and Chip & Ironicus joins us once more for Horror V. Octorbor, continuing our month-long breakdown of ‘versus’ movies […]
This week on Alcohollywood, we switch gears with Grant from Chip & Ironicus (specifically Chipod Ironicast) to talk the crazy 2009 anime racing flick Redline! Unlike […]
(NOTE: We switched to a new laptop this week, so some driver issues made the sound quality a bit less sweet this episode. We promise […]
Clint takes a look at one or two new releases that come out each week –just a short look at what’s being released in theaters, […]