IO Review: Netflix Blandly Limps Through the Apocalypse
Netflix’s latest sci-fi drama is as lifeless as the polluted future Earth of its setting.
Netflix’s latest sci-fi drama is as lifeless as the polluted future Earth of its setting.
Bob Zemeckis plays with his favorite CG toys – and Steve Carell.
The latest DCEU movie makes waves, but succumbs to the undertow of the series’ previous mistakes.
Try as they might, even genre giants like Ron Perlman and Famke Jannsen can’t elevate this dull, by-the-numbers hitman thriller. The ‘90s were peak years […]
The JJ Abrams-produced Nazi zombie flick provides plenty of schlock and scares, but stumbles over its own rotting feet when it reaches for profundity. If […]
The latest mid-budget Gerard Butler vehicle might thrill those who clamor for the return of the 90s submarine thriller, but doesn’t offer much else. While […]
Netflix’s latest creep-fest is a schlocky bore filled with predictable twists and some dodgy performances, though it’s mitigated with some genuine visual style. “Horror isn’t […]
Sporting a brilliant ensemble cast, Drew Goddard’s throwback to the neo-noir crime films of Tarantino and Rodriguez is that rare example that actually works. It’s […]
Joaquin Phoenix and John C. Reilly are a pair of offbeat gunslingers in Jacques Audiard’s unconventional, gorgeously energetic Western. The American Western has been told […]
Jennifer Garner goes back to her Alias days as an ass-kicking action hero, but its muddy action and faux-Punisher derivations make it another late-August dud. […]