A Fish Called Wanda (1988)

fish called wanda

This week, returning guest Nick Freed joins us to talk 1988’s A Fish Called Wanda, the caper-comedy written by and starring John Cleese! When a group of thieves (Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Palin, Kevin Kline and Thomas Georgeson) successfully steal a buttload of diamonds, the four quickly begin turning on each other, eventually wrapping a sheltered, middle-aged barrister (Cleese) into the larcenous fold. Check out our custom cocktail and drinking rules as we talk Curtis’ femme fatale, Palin’s stammer, and whether or not Kline deserved to win the Oscar for his hammy role as Otto.

(Thanks to our sponsor Jackbox Games, a proud member of the Chicago Podcast Coop!)

Related Links:
Our episode on Felony (the origin of ‘double-crossed’!)
Trailer for our upcoming 200th episode special, Indiana Jones and the Monkey King!


THIS EPISODE’S DRINK: A Fishbowl Called Wanda

This cocktail was envisioned as the personification of Archie’s (Cleese) life of fantasy and adventure he dreams of as an escape from his provincial English stuffiness. Also, it’s ideally a fishbowl margarita (get it?), but you can easily single-serve it on the rocks as well.

1 oz lime juice
2 oz tequila
1 oz triple sec
1 tbsp blackberry-basil jam
sea salt

  1. Rim your glass (or fishbowl) with lime juice, then with sea salt.
  2. Combine ingredients in a shaker with ice; serve on the rocks in the fishbowl or glass.


  1. Every time Jamie Lee Curtis goes a-whorin’ (i.e. smooches a character)
  2. Any time a character double-crosses another
  3. Whenever a character says the word “stupid”


Ken screeches “REVENGE! REVENGE!” at his moment of triumph.

Join us next week as we finally get around to the 2012 Karl Urban Dredd!

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